Mulch That Matters really does matter.
Not only is it a superior mulch product for applications ranging from beautiful landscaping projects to school playgrounds and other recreational areas, it’s actually good for our planet!
We make Mulch That Matters from recycled rubber tires and we color it in a process that’s both safe and aesthetically pleasing, appearing very much like wood or bark mulch. Before this product, recycled tires were usually dumped in community landfills, adding to the garbage that we place in the earth. Our recycling process keeps these tires out of the earth and our mulch performs better than traditional mulch in many ways. You can see for yourself in the images on this site that the end result is beautiful!
Applications include but are not limited to:
Beautiful Landscaping Projects // School Playgrounds // Parks and
Recreational Sites // Much more...
Safe Color Application
Aesthetically Pleasing
Photos courtesy of Brett Ray Village Landscaping